The Spider Solitaire Rabbit Hole

If you, like me, spend a far too significant part of your day moving around cards on your PC instead of working, you probably aren't too surprised when Slate's Josh Levin points out that the most popular computer game in the world is spider solitaire (a feat he compares to "living in a universe in which Pong were the most-popular title for PlayStation 3"). After a particularly well-played round, you may have even looked up spider solitaire records online (and found that you were wanting).

But I just experienced one of the weirder happenstances in my career as a minor-league procrastinator. Halfway through a recent game, the universe turned inwards in such a way that life as I knew came screeching to a halt. Check out the this screenshot, and let me know if you have any tips on how to proceed.

Why Do Sports Writers Hate Sports Bloggers?

My most recent interview in Gelf is with Michael Tunison, who was recently fired from his gig at the Washington Post for blogging for Kissing Suzy Kolber in his off time. Certainly KSK is silly and un-PC and raunchy, but no one would mistake Tunison the sports blogger for Tunison the WaPo writer, so the rush at the paper to get rid of him once he outed himself on KSK seems odd at best.

Then, though, I watched the famed sports writer Buzz Bissinger go apeshit on Deadspin's Will Leitch on Bob Costas Now, and I started to realize the actual hatred that many sportswriters seem to have for sports bloggers. Perhaps Bissinger explains it best here:

"Perhaps that's why I'm so heated and so angry. Because this guy, like it or not, is the future. I'm not the future."